Why are the martyrs of Karbala the masters of the martyrs throughout history?

In the Name of Allah

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful

We have written in the Psalms, after the Remembrance: 'The righteous among My worshipers shall inherit the earth

Sura 21: AL-ANBIYA (THE PROPHETS) - Juz' 17 - Translation Qarib



 Who is Hussain (pbuh)

Why are the martyrs of Karbala the masters of the martyrs throughout history?
Jun 12, 2013

Many people were martyred in the way of God and alongside the Holy Prophet (swa), the Commander of the Faithful (as) and divine prophets But none of these events is comparable to the event of Karbala. There is a difference between a person who enters the arena with the praise and encouragement of friends and companions and with a hope of victory and who is martyred in such conditions... and a person who enters the arena in a dark and gloomy world while not only do all the great personalities of the world of Islam refuse to accompany him, but they also blame him for engaging in battle. The latter enters the arena while there is no hope of assistance from anyone... He enters the arena with a few sincere friends and with his family - including his wife, his sister, his nieces and nephews, his six-month-old son and a few young members of his family - while his friends and supporters in Kufa refuse to accompany him. This is a strange event.




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